Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Part 2 Climate Change Report / Tables, Conclusions & footnote

In 1768 the Winds are predominantly W 
veering and backing S and E equally.
In 2018 the dominant wind is SW


In 1768 the fine days are at the start of the month 
followed by relentless gales. In 2018 the 2nd half 
of December is almost entirely fine or fair. Patrick Fea's 
month is quite noticeably harsher with more rain, 
severe wind & thunder & lightening mentioned once.

There is no mention of Christmas in P. F.'s Diary for Dec.
This is because he celebrated it on January 5th.
- A fine dry day my Servants doing nothing 
as it is the old Christmas Day -

( In 1752 Britain adopted the Gregorian 
Calendar which follows Lunar phases.
The Julian calendar of 45 BC follows 
the earth's journey around the sun. )